"The Arizona Democratic Party is planning to hold a vote this week to determine whether Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) should be censured."

Censure her? Why would they censure her?! The Hill reports:
Those seeking to censure Sinema point to her vote to confirm David Bernhardt, Trump’s nominee to serve as secretary of the Interior, as well as her vote to confirm William Barr as Attorney General, the news outlet notes. Additionally, progressives in the Arizona Democratic Party cite Sinema’s resistance to joining fellow Democrats in trying to reinstate net neutrality rules...

Dan O’Neal, the state coordinator for Progressive Democrats of America, told the news outlet that the censure is an effort to push Sinema back toward the left. “Here’s the thing: We really support Kyrsten Sinema... [b]ut the way she is voting is really disappointing. We want Democrats to vote like Democrats and not Republicans.”
Those aren't reasons to censure someone! There's no accusation that she's done something wrong, only that her political position is at odds with the rest of her party.

Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal? Trump is so abnormal that it would seem that he can be defeated by simple, boring normality. But that's not exciting enough, apparently, and Democrats have decided to go even further beyond the norm.

Why does Arizona have a Democratic Senator? Isn't it because she is a bit more like a Republican? From her Wikipedia page:
During the 2018 campaign Sinema refused to debate her competitor in the Democratic primary, Deedra Abboud, an attorney and community activist.... While Abboud said she would vote against the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Sinema "said she wanted to delve deeper into Kavanaugh's writings and interview him personally before deciding"...

Journalist Jonathan Martin wrote in The New York Times in September 2018 that Sinema was running "one of the most moderate-sounding and cautious Senate campaigns this year, keeping the media at arms-length and avoiding controversial issues", and said her campaign was generally reluctant to bring up President Donald Trump....


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