“President Trump is trying to hijack this election. We cannot let him get away with it.”

Tweets Joe Biden, rather enigmatically.

I don’t know what he means. Do you?

I checked and rechecked to make sure this really was Joe Biden’s Twitter account. In fact, I’m going to go check again. Yes, it is.

How is Trump trying to hijack this election? If anything is threatening to hijack the election, it’s the Democrats veering suddenly into a high-speed impeachment maneuver, overshadowing the long, drawn-out primary process that is pretty boring but had nevertheless occupied the front pages of the news. Is it that Trump isn’t sitting still for getting impeached but insists on fighting?

Who writes Joe’s tweets? Is this actually him babbling and making no sense? That would be comprehensible (at least).

Maybe he means that the Ukraine phone call was an underhanded effort to get an advantage in the election and Biden wants us to imagine that Trump is doing other things as well, inviting foreign interference with our election. I’ll go with this theory, but come on, Joe, write tweets we can understand.


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